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Faith Formation


During Covid our Faith Formation gatherings for children and youth had to adjust.  We had once a month “zoom” gatherings each with a theme for the month. The week before the “zoom” gathering a bag with supplies that would be needed for an activity or craft would be dropped off at children’s homes.  


We also had once a month Saturday outdoor gathering with lots of activities, laughter and fun all while having conversations about the day’s theme. The Saturday outdoor gathering were as weather permitted. 

Our confirmation for youth is small and meaningful program.  Working with a mentor and the pastor youth explore their faith, the UCC, and ask lots of questions.


The Merrimack Association is also supporting a regional Confirmation Gathering. Sanbornton youth participated in this program, going on homeless mission trip, and monthly gatherings. Two pastors from the Association facilitate this larger group so that the youth from the smaller churches get to participate in a program with more of their peers.


The church also financially supports, as needed, Confirmation youth to participate in the NH Conference sponsored Confirmation Retreat held at the Horton Center. The retreat introduces the youth to other youth around the state participating confirmation.

Sanbornton Congregational Church United Church of Christ is also proud that many of the youth participate in the NH Conference summer camp – the Horton Center.  The church takes great pride in supporting children financially, when needed, to attend a week or two of summer camp. 

Youth/Children are welcome to join the church choir. 




The first and third Wednesday of each month members gather at 10:30 am for “SEEKERS” it’s a time of mutual exploration of the bible, scripture, culture, ministry, justice issues and more. It may be a “readers theater” experience, or video, book studies or guided curriculum.  The group decides what they wish to explore next together.  

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